Art & Serendipity- Travel Stories

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Italy Lindsey Preciado-Weaver Italy Lindsey Preciado-Weaver

Visiting Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum

This spigot draws in the red-faced, overheated and dehyrdated sojourners and I watch as their facial expressions change dramatically when each one spots the spigot. You can read the sigh of relief on their faces. Water! Gloriously cool water! Unlimited supply! I heard several different languages spoken around this “water cooler’ and while I don’t know exactly what everyone was saying, I’m willing to bet my 401k on the fact that everyone was discussing rehydration.

It is from this spigot that we all find the will to go on (I know I sound dramatic but have you been to Rome in the summer? No? Ok, then.. report back about how finding this particular water fountain made you nearly cry with joy and relief because it will happen).

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