Art & Serendipity

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A serendipitous tasting at Basqueland Brewing

Micro-breweries have gained traction in popularity over the past decade or so and it’s not hard to find one even in the smallest of towns. If you enjoy tasting craft beer and happen to be in either Hernani or San Sebastián, I highly recommend Basqueland Brewing. Since our visit, they have expanded to a second location which serves food as well as organic wine but today, I’m taking you straight to their taproom.

My brother had them on his radar as a place to check out. Our stay in the Basque region was quickly coming to an end so we drove to their taproom but realized that Google said they were closed. Disappointed, we began driving away when we noticed their warehouse door was open. Score! Google was wrong! It turns out, Google was not wrong, they were closed and it was just a working day for the brewmasters.

We walked in just to have a look around and here is where we fall in love with the hospitality of Basqueland Brewing.

Technically they were not supposed to serve anyone because they are only permitted during hours of operation. So… I’m not going to say outright that we were able to taste anything (ahem). We were told “You look like brewers (I guess they meant we weren’t dressed up 😂) so if anyone asks you work there. We became temporary “employees” for an hour and we chatted with the owners about the birth of their business. Some of the details now escape me (and like an idiot, I didn’t write them down in my journal).

The owners are American ex-pats. I believe one was from San Diego and one was from New York (a chef, I think), the third, I cannot recall but They have grown their business in Hernani before micro-brewing was really a “thing” in Spain. They are very welcoming and you can tell that this dream is a passion for them, not just a way to make a living.

I sampled their exceptional IPA (crisp, citrusy and satiating) and their delightful stout. These brewers come up with new beer flavors frequently their labels are done by a local artist. This place is incredibly inviting and you immediately sense that brewing is their passion. We grabbed merch on the way out and I know with certainty, if I lived in this area, it would be a staple as a place to visit with friends.

It is time to leave northern Spain and head to Barcelona. If you’re an art lover, you will want to follow along. Barcelona is packed with visual treats and as you will read in my La Sagrada Familia story, even non-art appreciators will be blown away.

Ciao for now!
